Contact Us

Your call will be answered by one of our friendly experienced staff, who will be there to assist you with your enquiry.

Unit 3 The Mews
6 Putney Common
London, SW15 1HL

Telephone: 0208 789 0999
Payment Line: 0208 785 0777

Please note that we are closed on Sundays.

    Notice to our customers

    There are phone numbers showing in Google search results for a company advertising themselves as Putney Plumbers.

    The 020 3968 4193 and 020 3976 9238 numbers listed in Google Maps, and Google search results, are not ours and they are not genuine.

    The company are pretending to be us. Please ensure that you have a note of the correct phone number for Putney Plumbers which is 0208 789 0999.